“Cloves are the flower buds of the clove tree, an evergreen also known as Syzygium aromaticum.
Cloves are best known as a sweet and aromatic spice, but they have also been used in traditional medicine.
Some impressive health benefits of cloves: – Cloves contain fiber, vitamins, and minerals, so using whole or ground cloves can provide some important nutrients. – High in Antioxidants. – Test-tube studies show that the compounds in cloves may reduce cancer cell growth and promote cancer cell death. – Studies show that cloves may help kill harmful bacteria. – May help reduce oxidative stress and protect the liver. – May help regulate blood sugar. – May promote bone health – May increase the production of gastric mucus and help protect against stomach ulcers.”
Source: healthline
Clove is one of the ingredients in our “Caramel Chai“. Please visit our website for more information.
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